The Great Lenore By J.M. Tohline
Richard met Lenore when she had been dead for 4 days. Wow, what a way to start out a book! Everything revolves around Lenore, her life, her marriage, her loves, her in laws, her husband, Her Lover.....well you get the idea. But it is Richard you will get to know the best. Richard of the sarcastic comments (only in his head), The brilliant thoughts (which he would love if they were in his head) and second novel..which may never get written. All because of Lenore. This was a book like none other I have read. The story, odd yet feels strangely familiar. I found myself drawn in and once in, stayed in. I won't reveal the end, but you will most likely get there in one sitting, because you won't want to put it down.
ISBN# 978-0-9845105-5-9