Ruth and Analise are friends, but they are at opposite ends of the Amish community near Westcliffe, Colorado. Analise is just joining the Amish Church, having given up her "English" life. Ruth on the other hand has chosen not to join the church so that she may continue her training as a nurse. There are fires threatening the community and Ruth has a chance meeting with a volunteer firefighter that seems destined to make her life even more complicated. Analise feels drawn to help a rebellious Amish girl seemingly bent on putting herself in danger.
Set against these modern day dramas, we get a look at another town town circa 1892 as danger and violence threaten the town's peace and future. Sheriff Byler tries to stop a feud between the Twigs and the Dentons in Gassville, Arkansas as Joseph Beiler and Zeke Berkey arrive looking for a spot for a new Amish settlement. and Joseph finds himself attracted to an English woman in town Maura Woodley.
The two stories lead us through the junction of English and Amish in both time periods.
Jumping back and forth between the stories can be a bit disconcerting, but both stories are well worth the journey!