How wonderful to read these two stories that deal with feelings of loss, at a season when everyone else seems to be celebrating.
I could relate to both of these stories, having lost children, husband, friends.
It made me smile to see how each person navigated the landscape of joy in their sorrow and found their way back to Joy.
Two unique Christmas stories well worth the reading!
What a wonderful story! The mix of Amish, Methodist, Tent Revival and all searching for the right way, the right place.
I especially loved that the character, Noah, who preached without knowing, was based on historical cases. Susanna and Adam, Amish and thinking of marriage, are drawn in different directions by Noah's preaching. Patsy, daughter of the Methodist Minister , feisty, opinionated and not afraid to speak her mind. Veronica, Susanna's Mother, afraid her daughter would be lost to the world outside the Amish. A lovely story about listening for, and hearing God's word.