Into the Free by Julie Cantrell
Millie is almost ten. She confides in her friend "Sweetie" a big, big tree, her oldest friend "Sloth" the old man who lives next door. Millie tries to protect her mama when her daddy Jack is home from the rodeo, but she's only almost 10. Mama goes away a lot as well, down into her "valley" inside her mind. It's a hard life, sometimes a cruel life, but that's the life she has. She loves to watch the gypsies when they come into town, with their bright colors, sparkling coins and stories, about their queen, their history their paths.
She meets a young gypsy boy and the two share an almost friendship for many years until she is 16 and her father almost beats her mother to death. River wants Millie to go with him, leave this place and travel the country. But she stays and watches her father die and her mother soon follows. Great things and horrible things follow. How will she choose? What road will she travel?
Sometimes tough to read, but worth the effort.
eISBN 978-0-7814-0800-4
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