Friday, April 12, 2013

#30 The Spark by Kristine Barnett

Light it!
Jake is a remarkable child who might have never been able to help anyone or pursue his passion had it not been for an insightful, creative, dedicated woman. His Mom. This family's life definitely held to one of my family motto's "If nothing else, Life is never boring!" Having had a brilliant father who was still defending his patents for chemical compounds well into his late 60's, yet never could tell his right from his left or which way was North, or do math in his head. I understand a very tiny piece of how Jake's mind works. As I learned with my learning challenges, and my daughters central auditory processing disorder, sometimes, you just have to keep trying different things, until you find something that makes sense to you. It doesn't matter if the method you use to learn doesn't make sense to anyone else, as long as it makes sense to you. This is a great book for anyone with a child who learns differently.


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