Sadie grew up differently, her mother often "sick" or "too tired" to drag herself out of bed. in 1979 a young girl that looked startlingly like her disappeared. She had a fairly normal childhood otherwise, playing for long hours with her friends, until the day her mother left permanently.
In present day, 2002, Sadie is a Mom herself. Her husband loves her, her children need her, but after the loss of her baby girl, perfect, but stillborn, she feels disconnected from her life. She meets up with a man from her past, a boy that featured in many of her girlish fantasies, now grown and just as enticing. The story bounces back and forth between the girl and woman as we learn more about the dark places in hidden corners of her mind. She finds some surprising and painful connections to her mother. The last person she ever wanted to be like. A darkly interesting tale.
ASIN: B00A287KI0
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