Monday, March 12, 2012

The Great Lenore..Review 41

The Great Lenore By J.M. Tohline
Richard met Lenore when she had been dead for 4 days. Wow, what a way to start out a book! Everything revolves around Lenore, her life, her marriage, her loves, her in laws, her husband, Her Lover.....well you get the idea. But it is Richard you will get to know the best. Richard of the sarcastic comments (only in his head), The brilliant thoughts (which he would love if they were in his head) and second novel..which may never get written. All because of Lenore. This was a book like none other I have read. The story, odd yet feels strangely familiar. I found myself drawn in and once in, stayed in. I won't reveal the end, but you will most likely get there in one sitting, because you won't want to put it down.
ISBN# 978-0-9845105-5-9

Hearts that Survive: A Novel of the Titanic..Review 40

Hearts that Survive: A Novel of the Titanic By Yvonne Lehman
We follow the youthful enthusiasm of Lydia, so in love with her John, as the Titanic sales towards history. A hidden pregnancy, The first ,and last Titanic wedding, and how fate and choices will effect all those who sailed on her maiden voyage.
Caroline is not as young, married, childless and comfortable in her niche in life. She yearns for something more, some higher purpose, someone who really needs her.
Each has a life shattering experience when the Titanic sinks. Each will make choices that will impact their lives in ways they could never imagine. Each find faith, and that happiness is a choice they each want to make. Life is not easy. Life is not without pain. Life with the Lord includes pain, and challenge, and joy.
You will find yourself engrossed in the lives and choices of Lydia and Caroline as they remain fast friends throughout their lives.
ISBN# 978-1-4267-4488-4

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Grave 39

Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers
Ismae is 17 and knows she is marked as a child of death. Impervious to poison, Her life has been one of hard work, little love and being a feared outcast. When he father marries her off, she has a spark of hope that maybe her husband will be different. She immediately discovers the truth, this is just more pain. escaping from her husband, she is spirited away by an herbwitch to a convent that serves the "Saint" of death himself. She is trained as a deadly assassin and comes to feel safe and powerful. When politics threaten the safety of the convent she is sent to do her work. She finds herself cast together with Duval, a bastard son of royalty, sworn to protect his sister Anne and see her on the throne. Ismae cannot protect her heart from falling for Duval as they work together to save Anne. Will she be able to serve Death and her heart as well?
A compelling read! I finished it in two days even in the middle of a crisis at work! I was captivated by Ismae and her God of Death and Duval's earnest charms.