Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Girl in the Clockwork Collar by Kady Cross #54

The Girl in the Clockwork Collar
By Kady Cross
Finley, Griffin, Emily and Sam a group of humans and augmented, repaired humans along with some very small helpers "organites" are traveling to America to look for their friend Jasper Renn who had been accused of murder and now disappeared! This saga will take them into the bowels of American society and poverty both. Richly detailed in Steam-punk style we manage to meet Nicolai Tesla along the way, utilizing his ideas and skill in ways he had never imagined. Jasper is being held captive by the clockwork collar on the neck of Mei Ling. A collar that will kill her if he doesn't do what Dalton, a local mob boss of sorts, wants him to do.
I won't spoil this story for you because you will want to read it to the very last page!


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